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02 Jul 2022
Home » Blog » What Causes Stained Teeth?
Published on: 01 July, 2022

There are many reasons teeth discolour. Some we can control. Others we have to take complete responsibility for. Whatever the cause, the result is a loss in luminosity that impacts what could be a naturally white smile.

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent and even reverse tooth discolouration. What follows is an overview of what causes stained teeth and treatment for managing the condition.

Causes of Darkened or Discoloured Teeth

For the most part, tooth stains are the result of poor lifestyle habits and health conditions.


Smoking and chewing tobacco are one of the quickest ways to stain your teeth and ruin your breath as well.

Drinks and Foods

The most common cause of staining is ingesting too much of the wrong types of food. Tea, coffee, colas and wines are major threats to white teeth. Foods like potatoes and pasta are also contributors.

Poor Mouth Hygiene

Taking in all the wrong foods and drinks and not brushing and flossing regularly will damage plaque. That promotes the build-up of tooth discolouration. Not seeing your dentist for regular cleanings helps stains along as well.


Health conditions can prevent natural tooth enamel development, impacting the white and porous core (the yellow layer under enamel or dentin). Chemotherapy and radiation treatment will influence discolouration as well. Moms-to-be can get infections that affect enamel production in the unborn which leads to discoloured teeth.

Treatment That May Restore Whitening

Natural but discoloured enamel can be whitened. But only if the staining is the result of a condition that’s reversible. Your lower Lonsdale Vancouver dentist may suggest any number of the following options if they’re feasible.

DIY Whitening

Here are some options for self-treatment the dentist may agree with.

  • Avoiding Certain Beverages and Foods

    Food habits are often the culprit. If you must drink dark-coloured sodas, use a straw. This ensures the drink doesn’t touch your teeth. Fruit juices, coffee and tea, berries, sauces rich in tomatoes, curry and, sadly, even mineral- and vitamin-rich beetroot are a threat.

  • OTC Whiteners

    You can buy these in tooth-shaped trays or stick-on strips in most stores or online.

  • Daily Cleaning

    Regular and proper brushing and flossing will improve the appearance of your smile. Combine it with eating and drinking carefully and seeing your dentist regularly.

Professional Whitening

Your visits to the dentist include professional whitening and procedures that speed up brightening. Dentists may use a product that requires a special light that accelerates the bleaching process. These and other advanced applications are only safe in the hands of a dentist.

  • Bonding

    Dentists apply a white resin to stained teeth. It’s hardened with a special curing light. The resin’s bonded to the tooth, improving the structure and colour of your smile.

  • Dental Crowns and Veneers

    We use crowns and veneers to cover, protect and restore damaged teeth that also whiten smiles. Crowns are designed to match colour. Veneers are more cosmetic, meaning you may have to avoid hard foods to avoid breakage.

A healthy, appealing smile is about developing healthy habits. The counsel and work of your lower Lonsdale Vancouver dental team will be invaluable here. Before engaging in any DIY process, talk with your dentist. It’s never too late to save your smile with their help!